

Create a vendor selection project
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Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
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Research related to RapidSketch

Research related to Majesco Billing for L&AH

Research related to Majesco Life AdvicePlus

Research related to FNOL Confirmation - Splice

Research related to Majesco Claims for L&AH

Research related to Majesco Life AdminPlus

Research related to Majesco Policy for L&A and Group

Research related to SMS by Twilio

Research related to Majesco Life DistributionPlus

Research related to Payment Gateway - Credit Card (Stripe)

Research related to Majesco Billing for P&C

Research related to Fetch Public Protection Class (ISO PPC - Passport API)

Research related to ClaimVantage

Research related to Email by SendGrid

Research related to Majesco Underwriter360

Research related to Majesco P&C Intelligent Core Suite

Research related to Majesco Digital1st® Insurance

Research related to Majesco L&AH Intelligent Core Suite

Research related to Majesco Life IllustratePlus

Research related to Loss Control 360 Self-Survey

Research related to DRC Billing

Research related to Majesco CoreConnect

Research related to Majesco Digital1st®

Research related to Majesco Distribution Management

Research related to Majesco Claims for P&C

Research related to RS X Rating

Research related to DRC Portal

Research related to Majesco Policy for P&C

Research related to Guide Stream

Research related to Loss Control