
保険販売管理システム: 北米編

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2024 SolutionScape: Powered by VendorMatch


Use of distribution management systems is increasing due to a variety of changes happening in the market. The increase in insurance agency mergers and acquisitions, the proliferation of channels, and the growing demand for data are driving a need for new sophistication in the tools necessary to manage agents. These solutions typically include one or more of three components—compliance, compensation, and performance management. This report provides an overview of the distribution management systems available in North America for insurance carriers.

In this report, we profile 14 distribution management solutions, providing an overview of their functionality, customer base, technology, implementation, and support.

This report can be used as the first step toward creating a shortlist of vendors for evaluation. Insurers continue to have a broad spectrum of systems and vendors to consider when looking for a solution to fit their needs. Insurers can leverage their access to the authors through analyst access calls to learn more about the vendors.

In addition to this report, a companion report is available that in the past had been rolled into this report. The report, “So You Want to Buy A Distribution Management System,” outlines the latest developments in functional and technical capabilities in distribution management systems and includes a glossary and key components guide.

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