Research related to Silverlake Symmetri Core Banking System
Core banking system (CBS) technology has witnessed a fundamental shift over the last five years. Next-generation core banking has become mainstr…
I recently had the opportunity to attend Fiserv Forum in Las Vegas, NV from September 29-October 1, 2024. Lasting over 2 ½ fast-paced days, this…
The core banking system technology market for community banks continues to modernize at a steady pace. Vendors continue to proactively and profi…
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
Traditional banks and credit unions are increasingly launching new, digital-only brands. Standing up a modern digital-first version of the bank…
I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Many statistics were presented at the JP Morgan Chase Investor Day 2024. Among them was a statement that the bank would invest (spend) some $17b…
OP Financial Group transformed its unsecured lending servicing, successfully adopting a next-generation cloud-native core platform while re-thin…
Celent is hosting its annual Innovation and Insight Day on March 21st, where we will announce our 2024 Celent Model Bank Award winners. The even…
Revolut has just launched a new eSIM service for its UK customers, to allow them to avoid mobile roaming charges while travelling abroad. The se…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Banking and banking technology are undergoing massive change. New business models and market strategies driven by neobanks and fintechs have pus…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
We chatted with Sonny Singh, the Executive Vice-President and General Manager of Oracle Financial Services, about Oracle's cloud-based core bank…
Research related to Silverlake Symmetri Branch Delivery System
This is the preamble report to our series, Retail Digital Banking Platforms: 2025 XCelent Awards, Powered by VendorMatch. Powerful market and te…
As we undertake extensive research on digital banking platforms, we have compiled this preamble report to our series, Small Business Digital Ban…
The influence of a customer relationship management (CRM) solution on financial institutions (FIs) is profound and multifaceted. By centralizing…
While it is typical to find incremental changes in Celent’s biannual examination of vendor solutions, for intelligent virtual assistant platform…
Traditional banks and credit unions are increasingly launching new, digital-only brands. Standing up a modern digital-first version of the bank…
Celent is hosting its annual Innovation and Insight Day on March 21st, where we will announce our 2024 Celent Model Bank Award winners. The even…
Revolut has just launched a new eSIM service for its UK customers, to allow them to avoid mobile roaming charges while travelling abroad. The se…
It doesn’t take a deep thinker to see the manifest advantages of digital banking over reliance on people-intensive brick and mortar. ATMs are a…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
With the resumption of student debt repayments in October, the student borrower is back in the news and should be on the minds of bankers. Banks…
It would be a stretch to say that Sibos news and chatter was dominated by generative AI (or Gen AI). After all, for banks at least, we are still…
The next evolution of retail delivery won’t be in new self-service features, but emerging highly personalized, valuable experiences for customer…
We’ve just published the latest in a series of reports that help leaders understand and promote the value of digital customer engagement in reta…
The current banking crisis in 2023 has so far focused on large regional and national banks that have had liquidity issues leading to a bank run…
Customer remediation has become a huge financial issue in banking, with costs for some banks reaching well into the billions. A primary cause fo…
Research related to Silverlake Symmetri Loan Origination System
The commercial loan origination and underwriting process still looks the same as it did 20 years ago. It starts with developing leads and fleshi…
Going into 2020, traditional banking approaches to credit were already under strain. The data and analytics revolution pioneered by Big Tech had…
While LIBOR transition is a major program, it was never based on an immovable date like “the year 2000” (Y2K). It now seems possible that transi…
At the beginning of 2020, Corporate Banking revenue trends continued their annual upward trajectory. Just a few months later, those trends drama…
Celent recognizes Santander UK as the winner of the 2020 Celent Model Bank Award for Commercial Lending for their initiative SME, Commercial, an…
OakNorth’s next-generation credit and monitoring platform leverages machine learning, decades of credit expertise, and massive data sets to mode…
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is already having a profound effect on people’s lives and the economy. Corporate and commercial banks have a central role…
THREE EXTERNAL FORCES DRIVING CORPORATE BANKING CHANGE Corporate bankers face a 2020 landscape shaped by three powerful external forces: Corpora…
It is been four years since I published the blog "Reports of small business lending’s death are greatly exaggerated", written in response to an…
As banks look to improve the corporate banking customer experience, by upgrading their technology infrastructure, they often turn to digital cor…
As banks look to transform the corporate banking customer experience by upgrading their technology infrastructure, they often turn to integrated…
Corporate banking plays a dominant role for the largest global banks. Celent drills down into corporate banking performance and takes a closer l…
Distributed ledger technology (DLT) has the potential to provide a new architecture for the financial system in corporate banking and capital ma…
Research related to Silverlake Symmetri Direct Banking
This is the preamble report to our series, Retail Digital Banking Platforms: 2025 XCelent Awards, Powered by VendorMatch. Powerful market and te…
As we undertake extensive research on digital banking platforms, we have compiled this preamble report to our series, Small Business Digital Ban…
While it is typical to find incremental changes in Celent’s biannual examination of vendor solutions, for intelligent virtual assistant platform…
Traditional banks and credit unions are increasingly launching new, digital-only brands. Standing up a modern digital-first version of the bank…
Celent is hosting its annual Innovation and Insight Day on March 21st, where we will announce our 2024 Celent Model Bank Award winners. The even…
Revolut has just launched a new eSIM service for its UK customers, to allow them to avoid mobile roaming charges while travelling abroad. The se…
It doesn’t take a deep thinker to see the manifest advantages of digital banking over reliance on people-intensive brick and mortar. ATMs are a…
With the resumption of student debt repayments in October, the student borrower is back in the news and should be on the minds of bankers. Banks…
The next evolution of retail delivery won’t be in new self-service features, but emerging highly personalized, valuable experiences for customer…
We’ve just published the latest in a series of reports that help leaders understand and promote the value of digital customer engagement in reta…
Customer remediation has become a huge financial issue in banking, with costs for some banks reaching well into the billions. A primary cause fo…
Celent has released a new report specifically for digital banking channel owners that covers specialized fintech, rising competition from non-ba…
Celent is keeping an eye on the emerging consumer tech that might provide new ways for banks and service providers to engage with digital custom…
Over three weeks in September 2022, Celent Banking team ran an online survey where we invited our contacts in the industry – clients and non-cli…
Faced with historically high inflation and energy bills, increasing interest rates, and continued geopolitical and economic uncertainty, consume…