Loss control and premium audit are two functions of an insurer that often play a secondary role in the processing of business but continue to be…
Loss control and premium audit are two functions of an insurer that often play a secondary role in the processing of business but continue to be…
Snap polls reflect questions posed by members of the Celent Executive Research Panel. This question came about from a member who is considering…
I recently read an article on mortality slippage as a result of automated underwriting (AUW). Mortality slippage—when carriers unintentionally a…
Celent’s biennial North America Life Insurance New Business and Underwriting (NBUW) System research includes an online customer feedback survey.…
As insurers competed for business during the pandemic, they looked for ways to simplify their application process and offer more products with e…
The pandemic forced life insurers to rethink their process and products, all while managing their mortality, financial, and operations risk. The…
Life insurers are working in a post-pandemic world. Many, if not most, insurers made major investments in reaction to COVID-19. Celent saw signi…
After writing our biannual report on new business and underwritiing systems ( New Business and Underwriting Systems: North America Life Insuranc…
Celent recently published a review of the underwriting systems marketed and sold to North American life insurers: New Business and Underwriting…
Have you wondered what changes were implemented for underwriting during the pandemic and how life insurance underwriting changed over the past t…
COVID-19 and the underlying macroeconomic environment forced life insurers to deeply examine their product offerings and business processes beca…
Since the onset of COVID-19, the life insurance industry had to make some dramatic changes. The pandemic forced life insurers to digitize rapidl…
Life Insurance Underwriting - Is It Changing Fast Enough? Every two years we do a deep dive into life insurance underwriting systems. We look at…
In this report, we look at how data solutions play a role to provide support for actuary and underwriting functions in the insurance value chain…
As part of Celent's Innovation and Insight Week 2022, a roundtable was conducted for the data, analytics, and AI theme on the topic of 'Data Inn…
Not long ago insurers were resistant (or, at best hesitant) to move legacy data and applications to any place outside of the control of their ow…
Best in Class Digital Insurance - A Celent Peer Networking Event Recap On Wednesday, October 20, Celent welcomed 20 life insurance leaders in vi…
Throughout history, insurance has provided protection to countless individuals and businesses. However, alongside the insurance industry, insura…
Taiwan Life Insurance’s AI Platform for Claims provides multiple convenient claims delivery channels that address the many issues Taiwanese poli…
Insurers have been modernizing their legacy systems, increasing their presence in cloud, and finding innovative use cases driven by emerging tec…
Some loyal readers may be surprised by my authorship of a blog post. I suppose this my reintroduction to Celent. Prior to mid-2020, I led the Am…
Covid-19 has upended the world in more ways than we could ever imagine. For most people it has meant disruptions in how they work, travel, and s…
Over the past two weeks, I moderated and presented at the 2021 InsureTech Connect Asia and Finovate Asia conferences. The hive of activities has…
This Solution Brief discusses one solution which delivers this new vision for claims teams, seeks to leverage the configurability of the low cod…
Healthcare is more important than ever, and digital health solutions are enabling personalized health assessment and overall care. Digital healt…
A focus on the insurance ecosystem, the role of digital, innovation, and InsurTech. I had the great pleasure of attending DIA Munich 2018 . As a…
Celent has released a new report titled Deal Trends and Projections in the Life and Health PAS Market: 2016 Latin American Edition. The report w…
Celent surveyed and interviewed key North American insurers on their claims technologies and internal processes. The report shares the findings,…
Celent surveyed and interviewed key North American insurers on their claims technologies and internal processes. The report shares the findings,…
In its first ever life insurance claims report, Celent provides a detailed look at 18 insurance claims systems marketed across the globe to life…