Celent's Risk and Compliance priorities for 2025 examine impactful technology and regulatory trends within the domains of anti-financial crime,…
Celent's Risk and Compliance priorities for 2025 examine impactful technology and regulatory trends within the domains of anti-financial crime,…
As part of Celent’s ongoing coverage of technology and business trends in genAI, Celent held its Generative AI Symposium in New York last week.…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
In 2018, Deutsche Bank embarked on CRAFT, a five-year program to overhaul the technology underpinning the bank’s global credit risk function, a…
MB has enhanced its market risk and counterparty credit risk (CCR) management to meet global standards, including: A near real-time VaR calcul…
In May 2024, barring any further delays, the United States and Canada will be shortening their trade settlement cycles from a two-day settlement…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
The current banking and business market cycle highlights the critical need for risk management platforms, data, analytics and models. Rising inf…
Tokenization is this year’s hot topic in blockchain, and our conversations with clients often move quickly to predicting where the breakout use…
Growing regulatory focus and investor pressure are making climate risk assessment an imperative at banks. Within climate risk, a critical focus…
The financial industry is at an inflection point, shaped by a confluence of macroeconomic forces, regulatory dynamics, and sociopolitical reperc…
Increasingly, risk offices at financial institutions are using advanced data management and artificial intelligence (AI), orchestration, high-pe…
Previsory is a portmanteau word coined by Celent to describe a forward-looking view of technology, and advice on how to respond to and leverage…
The banking credit risk management apparatus has changed dramatically since the financial crisis of 2008. Many banks, savings and loan companies…
Digital technologies including big data analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud, and APIs have already transformed customer-facing functions a…
The U.S. Treasury Market is the largest and most liquid sovereign debt market in the world. Currently, trading activity is split between two cle…
The market for Transaction Reporting Solutions is reacting to a wave of new and amended regulations and technology advancements, pushing solutio…
In May 2024, barring any further delays, the United States and Canada will be shortening their trade settlement cycles from a two-day settlement…
To help our clients navigate challenges facing the industry, Celent has developed a new, enhanced approach for tracking financial institution IT…
The announcement yesterday (October 19) that DTCC is acquiring the blockchain fintech Securrency is a resounding signal to the global financial…
Financial market infrastructures (FMIs) are the mainstay of the financial system, providing the essential infrastructure for financial transacti…
Tokenization is this year’s hot topic in blockchain, and our conversations with clients often move quickly to predicting where the breakout use…
This report represents the Financial Markets Infrastructure edition of the Capital Markets Previsory 2023 report series. While FMIs are benefiti…
As I wrote about in my first Celent blog, the capital markets post-trade industry is transforming, and none too soon.In that vein, The Depositor…
The demand for applications is growing faster than the supply of developers to deliver them. A new era of low/no-code development is emerging, w…
This year, Celent interviewed 25 chief information officers and senior technology leaders of global market infrastructure (MI) to understand the…
When it comes to the capital markets, a shift is underway in the process of application development. This is driven by increasing demands across…
The fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to have ramifications in a number of areas within capital markets, for example shift to remote wo…
The world had a tough 2020 but, unlike the 2008 financial markets crisis, this time capital markets emerged as the hero as governments worldwide…
A Year of Extremes… It certainly has been a year of extremes with many superlatives required to describe the situation; but also, a year with pl…