There is no denying the wealth management market is telling us that planning software is a must have. Turnkey Asset Management Platform’s (TAMPs…

6 May 2021
29 April 2021
Representatives of the wealth managmenet industry gathered at Celent's Live Wealth Management Session at I&I Week 2021. Under the theme of Accel…
20 April 2021
While the terminology “direct indexing” is newer, the investment approach is by no means new, as separately managed accounts (SMAs) can and have…
12 March 2021
Intelligent automation projects are worth exploring as they can directly decrease the cost of operations while improving scalability and reducin…
8 March 2021
The Portfolio Risk Platform leverages state-of-the-art analytics to identify various elements of risk in client portfolios, down to the security…
8 March 2021
Congratulations Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, and BNY Mellon Pershing on being Celent's Model Wealth Manager 2021 award winners! Links to the c…
4 December 2020
The road ahead consists of constant virtual collaboration. For many wealth managers, current digital workflows are acceptable but not exceptiona…
9 November 2020
Broker-dealers continue to watch how the SEC and FINRA interpret and enforce Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) and Form CRS. On October 26th, th…
3 November 2020
While some wealth managers state that a lack of customer digital adoption is a reason for low engagement during the pandemic, the reality is tha…
28 October 2020
Regulation based on principle will generate uncertainty; such are the challenges of interpretation. In the case of Reg BI, the tests involved in…
25 October 2020
Since the beginning of government-mandated lockdowns in March, Arizent has conducted monthly research surveys to help its subscribers navigate t…
17 September 2020
This report is a continuation of the three-month study of the North American financial planning technology market covered in Celent’s report The…
12 August 2020
Reviewing a financial plan was already becoming a more digitally interactive engagement pre COVID-19, but the switch to 100% virtual in a matter…
11 August 2020
COVID-19 has prompted many Wealth Management firms to reevaluate investment priorities for 2020 and beyond. The following report attempts to pro…
3 June 2020
Neil Sheehan and Will Trout discuss trends and COVID-19's impact on outsourcing for Wealth Managers.