

  • 2012/01/19


  • 2012/01/13

    This week the European Commission released its Green Paper "Towards an integrated European market for card, internet and mobile payments". Stran…

  • 2012/01/03


  • 2011/12/13

    There have been many discussions about the link between GDP and the use of electronic payments. I recently spoke at the Future of Cash conferenc…

  • 2011/11/18

    I’ve been attending the EFMA conference “The Future of Cash” in Frankfurt this week. As someone who has spent the majority of their working life…

  • 2011/11/01

    It seems to be a point of perverse pleasure to my friends that as a banking expert I actually seem to suffer worse treatment from my bank than t…

  • 2011/10/06

    I’ve been following the Durbin debit card discussions with interest for years. As many of you will know, I believed that if you’ve been followin…

  • 2011/10/06


  • 2011/10/06


  • 2011/09/26

    Another year over, and another successful Sibos. My previous post gave a sense (I hope!) of how long and busy the week was. Having finished the…

  • 2011/09/20

    Or so it feels already. Whilst Sibos officially opens 9am on Monday, the reality is slightly different. The logistics mean that the conversation…

  • 2011/09/16

    It’s that time again where the payments industry decamps for a week of meetings and parties under the banner of Sibos. This year it's the turn o…

  • 2011/09/07

    But…you said…something completely different, that’s why I’ve been doing this! Sound familiar? I’m sure we’ve all been set a task and for some re…