I recently read an article on mortality slippage as a result of automated underwriting (AUW). Mortality slippage—when carriers unintentionally a…
I recently read an article on mortality slippage as a result of automated underwriting (AUW). Mortality slippage—when carriers unintentionally a…
Celent’s biennial North America Life Insurance New Business and Underwriting (NBUW) System research includes an online customer feedback survey.…
As insurers competed for business during the pandemic, they looked for ways to simplify their application process and offer more products with e…
The pandemic forced life insurers to rethink their process and products, all while managing their mortality, financial, and operations risk. The…
Life insurers are working in a post-pandemic world. Many, if not most, insurers made major investments in reaction to COVID-19. Celent saw signi…
Snap polls reflect questions posed by members of the Celent Executive Panel, a group of C level executives at insurance carriers. This comes fro…
About the Showcase Gen AI is the hottest topic in the industry right now. Insurers are reaching out daily with questions and the need for advice…
Recorded on September 27, 2023. Watch this webinar to learn about the evolving insurance billing systems landscape, its functionalities, and eme…
Recorded on September 21, 2023. In this webinar, we look at what the market for these foundational systems offers today and where the market is…
Insurance companies have varying preferences when it comes to selecting core systems. While some prefer to purchase a pre-built policy administr…
The billing function continues to transition from its traditional role as the most “back office” of back office processes to a key component of…
The billing function continues to transition from its traditional role as the most “back office” of back office processes to a key component of…
The billing function continues to transition from its traditional role as the most “back office” of back office processes to a key component of…
Insurers have been modernizing their legacy systems, increasing their presence in cloud, and finding innovative use cases driven by emerging tec…
The billing function continues to transition from its traditional role as the most “back office” of back office processes to a key component of…