I recently read an article on mortality slippage as a result of automated underwriting (AUW). Mortality slippage—when carriers unintentionally a…
I recently read an article on mortality slippage as a result of automated underwriting (AUW). Mortality slippage—when carriers unintentionally a…
Celent’s biennial North America Life Insurance New Business and Underwriting (NBUW) System research includes an online customer feedback survey.…
As insurers competed for business during the pandemic, they looked for ways to simplify their application process and offer more products with e…
The pandemic forced life insurers to rethink their process and products, all while managing their mortality, financial, and operations risk. The…
Life insurers are working in a post-pandemic world. Many, if not most, insurers made major investments in reaction to COVID-19. Celent saw signi…
Policy administration systems are effective at generating policies by capturing demographic information, tracking policy terms and conditions, a…
Policy administration systems are effective at generating policies by capturing demographic information, tracking policy terms and conditions, a…
Insurers have been modernizing their legacy systems, increasing their presence in cloud, and finding innovative use cases driven by emerging tec…
After writing our biannual report on new business and underwritiing systems ( New Business and Underwriting Systems: North America Life Insuranc…
When Joyn Insurance developed Spark, a digital workflow platform for commercial business, it transformed a largely manual process to enable unde…
Celent recently published a review of the underwriting systems marketed and sold to North American life insurers: New Business and Underwriting…
Have you wondered what changes were implemented for underwriting during the pandemic and how life insurance underwriting changed over the past t…
COVID-19 and the underlying macroeconomic environment forced life insurers to deeply examine their product offerings and business processes beca…
Since the onset of COVID-19, the life insurance industry had to make some dramatic changes. The pandemic forced life insurers to digitize rapidl…
This research will provide an overview of the insurance market and technology trends in Australia and New Zealand. We will provide examples of i…