

Create a vendor selection project
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Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
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Who We Are

Verisk is a leading data analytics provider serving customers in P&C and Life insurance.

We’ve been delivering data, analytics, and decision support services to our customers for more than 50 years.

What We Do

Using advanced technologies to collect and analyze billions of records, Verisk Analytics draws on unique data assets and deep domain expertise to provide first-to-market innovations that are integrated into customer workflows. We offer predictive analytics and decision support solutions to customers in rating, underwriting, claims, catastrophe and weather risk, global risk analytics, natural resources intelligence, economic forecasting, and many other fields.

We help customers make better decisions about risk, investments, and operations with greater precision, efficiency, and discipline. In the United States and around the world, Verisk Analytics helps customers protect people, property, and financial assets.

Our People

We employ more than 8,000 people worldwide to create value for our customers and help them remain competitive. Our highly credentialed team with advanced degrees and professional certifications are specialists in:

  • Actuarial Science
  • Chemistry and Physics
  • Commercial Banking and Finance
  • Commodity Analytics
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Economics
  • Engineering
  • GIS Mapping
  • Meteorology
  • Natural Resources
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Supply Chain