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With over $100 trillion globally managed by asset owners, asset managers, and other institutions, the stakes are high for getting investment decisions right.

Looking at the complexities behind changing market regimes, geopolitical risks, secular and non secular changes, and climate change, it is now clear investors need more robust frameworks to explore the impact of uncertainty across different horizons, asset classes, and market scenarios.

Moreover such tools should provide not just mind-numbing numbers in flat presentations— but rather dynamic, interactive, powerful visualizations of the market environment and the impact of investment decisions.

To solve such problems, SAPIAT leverages machine learning methodologies, traditional and alternative data and high performance computing (HPC) – uniquely combined into a single platform that is designed for investment decisions.

Markets are not the only source of insight. There are plenty of signals embedded in alternative data sources such as high frequency macroeconomic data, news, and in independent research. However, noise is rampant in these sources also. Information tends to be provided in heterogeneous formats – structured and unstructured – at different frequencies, with varying degrees of precision and horizons. Synthesizing this information and converting it into actionable “investment intelligence” is at the heart of Sapiat’s mission.