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RavenPack is a pioneer in big data analytics for financial services firms. It provides analytics as a service to financial professionals by transforming unstructured content into actionable information in real-time. Since 2003, the company has been at the forefront of data analytics, making its mark in large scale news and social media analysis to help financial professionals make better investment decisions. We have the best performing quantitative hedge funds, asset managers and investment banks as customers.

WHAT WE DO: RavenPack Analytics transforms unstructured big data sets, such as traditional and social media, into structured data and indicators to help financial services firms improve their performance. Over 60 white papers showing various strategies using our data have been published in the last 7 years.

HOW WE DO IT: The product serves to overcome the challenges posed by the characteristics of big data - volume, variety, veracity and velocity - by converting unstructured content into a format that can be more effectively analyzed, manipulated and deployed in financial applications.


✔ Asset Management: Build or subscribe to factors that deliver orthogonal alpha across all asset classes.

✔ Brokerage & Market-Making: Detect and instantly react to unscheduled events that may impact your performance.

✔ Risk & Compliance: Monitor accumulation of adverse sentiment, detect headline risk, or reduce false positives from market abuse alerts.

✔ Research: Provide unique aspects to quantitative and fundamental research; control for news and social media in academic research.

✔ Software / Data Vendor: Build an innovative position by adding powerful Big Data analytics to your offering.

✔ Media: Attract attention to your content by adding unique analytics to your website or article.


