

Create a vendor selection project
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Indication of coverage against your requirements
A subscription is required to activate this feature. Contact us for more info.
Celent have reviewed this profile and believe it to be accurate.
We are waiting for the vendor to publish their solution profile. Contact us or request the RFX.
Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
Download Registered Vendor Survey responses as PDF
Contact vendor directly with specific questions (ie. pricing, capacity, etc)


Incited is an award-winning data and software engineering company that provides advanced analytics and application development services to the insurance market.

Our IMMERSA365 platform provides data science as a service. We deliver real-time modelling and prediction, uncovering patterns in data, detecting fraud, improving customer retention, generating dynamic pricing solutions and enhancing reporting and interactive data exploration. IMMERSA365 is the perfect solution for insurers and brokers who want to take their business to the next level.

With our Data Science as a Service, you can optimise pricing and increase profitability. IMMERSA365 is reliable, efficient, and easy to use - so you can get the most out of your data.

