
Icon Solutions

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Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
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Icon Solutions delivers world class payment and enterprise solutions to the global financial sector.

We empower our clients to meet the challenging demands of an open and digital landscape by simplifying complexity, leveraging innovative solutions and providing payments and technology subject matter expertise.

We support clients at every stage of their journey of change – whether it be an assessment of their current architecture against their business needs, shaping the roadmap of their IT transformation, or simply providing subject matter assurance on key payments and technology programmes.

Our financial services customers can also leverage our extensive experience in capabilities such as enterprise architecture, solution architecture, Dev Ops and engineering – whether that be for large scale integration programmes, creating new KYC/CDD platforms or engineering new platforms to enable the adoption of modern methods of delivery.

This combination of skills enables our customers to embrace technical change and achieve their strategic and operational ambitions.