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The only true all-in-one cloud-based CCM platform on the market that streamlines the creation, delivery, and management of personalized, omni-channel communications at scale. GhostDraft integrates into your business to empower you to strengthen, expand, and acquire customer relationships, create greater efficiency and agility, and minimize compliance risk. GhostDraft’s technology is easy to implement, maintain and use, helping insurers of all sizes become self-sufficient and successful. For over three decades, GhostDraft has helped insurance providers transform their communications into engaging experiences.

Key Features

  • Control of document creation and management by the business user, with rules-driven document composition. Those closest to the customer control the content, saving time, improving quality, and reducing costs. Rules-driven content ensures consistent branding and compliance. Users can create custom data and text forms, quote letters, proposals, and notices.

  • Omnichannel delivery. Lower document creation cost, improved customer experience, regulatory and brand compliance, and more time for subject-matter experts to focus on value-add activities.

  • Rules-driven layout and formatting matches brand-compliant elements, such as logos, signatures, and fonts, to customer-specific situations to create personalized easy-to-understand documents. Empowers you to go beyond limited static forms and merge fields to create customized documents, resulting in faster and more targeted creation of forms and other documents.

  • Rules-driven content for a document that precisely and automatically matches the specific situation. Create claim notices, quotes, proposals, letters, and dec pages that contain only information that is relevant to the specific recipient. Eliminate “form” documents with extra data that creates confusion and a poor image. Close more businesses, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce call center cost.

  • User interface designed for business users and interactive data entry. User-friendly data entry process with controlled and accurate data capture, and no IT resources required. Saves IT resources and cost, and shortens implementation time.

  • Bureau forms management, with ISO forms included out of the box, and automatic updates. Instant production of ISO products, fast customization of forms for non-ISO products, and simple updating when ISO forms change.

Key Benefits

GhostDraft enables insurers to deliver the experience customers expect in today's digital world.

  • Engage customers by personalizing the customer experience with clear, relevant, and actionable interactions and correspondence through the customers’ preferred channels

  • Transform products by leveraging the power of digital documents to bring new products to market faster

  • Optimize operations by simplifying the creation, deployment, and management of highly personalized content and communications

  • Empower business users to easily author customized communications on demand for faster document creation and better document control

