AxiomSL provides all of the data aggregation, validation and reporting functionality needed to comply with the European Central Bank’s (ECB) Ana…
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority APRA collects data from the financial sector entities on behalf of the ABS (Australian Bureau of Stat…
Generally, all Canadian banks, bank holding companies, and federally regulated trust and loan companies are required to comply with the Basel Ca…
AxiomSL’s platform consolidates data from modern and legacy systems by enriching data taxonomies and metadata across the organization. As data i…
Adopted in 1972, SEC Rule 15c3-3 provides regulatory safeguards regarding the custody and use of customer securities and free credit balances he…
AxiomSL’s integrated platform has the ability to compute capital adequacy calculations at various levels of granularity and from multiple and di…
The strengths of AxiomSL’s ControllerView as a technological platform make it an ideal solution for hosting the entire Current Expected Credit L…
ControllerView® (CV) delivers data lineage, risk aggregation, workflow automation, validation and audit functionality and supports disclosures i…
AxiomSL automates the process of calculating and reporting on large exposures and concentration risk, as required by the Capital Requirements Di…
AxiomSL, a global leader in regulatory compliance and risk management solutions for over 20 years, provides a data driven compliance platform, w…
Global standards such as BCBS 239, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or US Federal Reserve CFO Attestation require banks to be accountab…
AxiomSL, a global leader in regulatory compliance and risk management solutions for over 20 years, provides a data driven compliance platform, w…
AxiomSL’s data-driven platform empowers Covered Institutions (CIs) to comply with the final rule requirements and timelines. The solution includ…
AxiomSL’s end-to-end Firm Data Submission Framework (FDSF) solution provides all of the data aggregation, impact calculation, report reconciliat…
This new burdensome filing requirement compels registered advisers to provide portfolio, performance and risk information about their funds. It…
AxiomSL, global leader in regulatory reporting solutions and risk management for over 20 years, delivers a data-driven platform, which meets all…
With FRTB, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has completely rewritten the rules used to determine how much capital banks must ho…
AxiomSL’s solution for International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (IFRS 9) addresses all key aspects of the Standard, from classification and…
In addition to addressing the challenges stated above, AxiomSL‘s IRRBB solution sets up a solid foundation for financial institutions to meet fu…
Liquidity risk management and regulatory compliance are at the forefront of challenges facing financial institutions (FIs). The pressure of incr…
The MAS 610/1003 is the core balance sheet return for the MAS reporting regime. The magnitude of the return spans over 340,000 data points and a…
Taxonomy is the science of classification. The MAS 610/1003 Taxonomy condenses over 300,000 data points of the MAS 610 into 1,000 reusable busin…
AxiomSL’s strategic regulatory platform is designed to help our clients with all current and future global Trade and Transaction Reporting requi…
As a response to the inherent weaknesses in the bank’s liquidity risk management and maturity transformation processes, the Basel Committee on B…
The UK Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) through its Pillar 2 liquidity framework aims to address risks not fully captured under Pillar 1 re…
In order to assist the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in resolution of financial institutes that enter solvency, the U.S. Secretar…
Risk Management has many different dimensions that include quantitative measures and qualitative characteristics. The quantitative measures addr…
AxiomSL’s solution for the Standardized Approach for Measuring Counterparty Credit Risk Exposures (SA-CCR) includes the functionality and new ca…
The global banking community has long debated the best path forward for managing credit risk following the 2008 financial crisis with two types…
AxiomSL’s strategic data-management platform is designed to help our clients with all current and future global Trade and Transaction Reporting…
AxiomSL’s one platform SD model has been designed based on input from compliance experts. This architecture, which can be used with all other re…
AxiomSL provides all the data aggregation, validation and reporting functionality needed to comply with the European Central Bank’s (ECB) Statis…
AxiomSL, the global leader in capital adequacy calculation, regulatory reporting solutions and risk management for over 20 years, provides a com…
To meet these upcoming regulations, financial institutions will need a robust capital and margin regulatory framework combined with a flexible r…
AxiomSL provides all of the calculations and reporting functionality financial firms need to comply with the capital and liquidity requirements…
AxiomSL offers a full solution for current and future Trade and Transaction Reporting requirements globally. We can implement reporting solution…
To meet evolving and upcoming regulations, financial institutions need a powerful capital and computation regulatory framework combined with a f…