Juan Mazzini joins El Seguro y la Prevención to discuss the difference between digital innovation and efficiency gains. They also cover the role…

News articles
15 August 2022
21 April 2022
With a growing insurance research base, an expanded analyst team and further investment into our digital toolkits to better serve you with impac…
21 March 2022
“Estamos muy entusiasmados de anunciar una nueva edición de la Innovation & Insight Week 2022. A medida que se desvanece la influencia disruptiv…
16 March 2022
According to Juan Mazzini, Senior Analyst at Celent: “The Model Insurer Awards recognize how insurers are using technology to change the face of…
1 January 2022
Juan Mazzini, Senior Analyst at Celent, thinks differently, stating, "Distributed Ledger Technology's (DLT's) initial hype has led to a clearer…
9 December 2021
“Estamos muy entusiasmados con el lanzamiento para Latam de esta plataforma dirigida a ejecutivos de nivel C que lideran la transformación en su…
14 October 2021
In this episode, Celent's Juan Mazzini sits with Insurtechies to discuss highlights of ITC 2021 and insurtech trends at the regional level. The…
27 July 2021
Juan Mazzini joins Anibal Cejas on "Seguro en Acción". In this radio segment, he provides guidelines for leadership teams to develop an organiza…
2 July 2021
Insurtech viene de combinar las palabras seguro y tecnología (en inglés: insurance and technology). A lo largo de su historia, la industria de s…
18 June 2021
The acceptance of cryptocurrency for premium payment can be seen within a larger context of insurers’ current focus on customer centricity and c…
11 May 2021
(Insurance Company Plans for 2021) Desde Miami, Juan Mazzini, Analista Senior de Celent, repasa en Pool un reciente informe realizado por la con…