As enterprises (including banks) push their technology boundaries with new workloads and AI adoption, our demand for energy increases (as do que…
As enterprises (including banks) push their technology boundaries with new workloads and AI adoption, our demand for energy increases (as do que…
As we near the end of 2024, the macroeconomic and geopolitical landscape remains challenging. These dynamics have the potential to reshape econo…
The Bank of England, together with the Prudential Regulation Authority and Financial Conduct Authority, has just released their final requiremen…
In recent years, the P&C insurance industry has witnessed a significant transformation driven by technological advancements. As insurers strive…
The life insurance industry has witnessed a significant transformation driven by technological advancements in recent years. As insurers strive…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
With business models changing and competitive pressures increasing, financial market infrastructures (FMIs) are re-evaluating their business str…
The imperative for financial institutions (FIs) to continuously add new technology capabilities drives them to evaluate existing systems to mode…
ING was looking to accelerate the digitisation of its offerng in the FX markets - a market which is the largest in the world by traded volume, b…
Raiffeisen Bank International, a well-established European bank operating across multiple markets, has been able to rapidly shift from an on-pre…
In a previous life I was responsible for a portfolio of mission critical banking platforms. They spanned a diverse range of technologies from a…
We chatted with Sonny Singh, the Executive Vice-President and General Manager of Oracle Financial Services, about Oracle's cloud-based core bank…
To facilitate adoption of AI and Machine Learning across the bank, CIBC built a shared AI/ML Platform in the Cloud. By taking care of governance…
It’s no secret that banks’ adoption of public cloud has been proceeding faster than anyone (including us, honestly) predicted three years ago. W…
In December 2022, I had the opportunity to attend the AWS re:Invent summit at Las Vegas and observed announcements on new products and functions…