
Sageworks Workflow

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Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
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The life of a loan is a complex process, often involving many people at the institution and many steps. If credit workflows are inefficient, it dampens the institution’s turnaround time and as a result the borrower’s experience with the institution.

Key Features

  • Customize workflows to match your loan management needs
  • Use notifications to prompt next steps and reduce stall time and bottlenecks
  • See all the information related to a borrower in one, centralized place
  • Use if/then and conditional logic in the development of workflow templates to match existing credit policy to automation
  • Document each step of the process for better auditability

Key Benefits

  • Build efficient processes that can be used consistently for underwriting, booking, reviews or impairment
  • Manage loans with an end-to-end solution At a glance, see all the information related to a borrower, including ALLL pools or stress tests Improve performance and productivity of lenders and analysts with automated pipeline reporting
  • Start tracking prospective borrowers and prospecting activities in a centralized location to make activities reportable Link a workflow to a Sageworks page or a third-party site for ease of use Use Sageworks’ templates as a starting point for new workflows
  • Tailor workflows to your institution’s processes Use notifications to prompt action from others working on the credit file
  • Effectively communicate about the borrower to all parties involved Prevent incomplete credit files, using required steps and documents in a workflow
  • Assign different access levels to control management of workflows
  • Control notifications to staff through daily or as-soon-as available email alerts
  • Provide analysts with a dashboard to help manage their workflows
  • Quickly report on process exceptions and outstanding items
  • Automate assignment of daily loan administration tasks
  • Win more prospective loans by shortening turnaround time
  • Create workflows to guarantee credits are appropriately stress tested as part of underwriting or reviews
  • Access workflow steps quickly from every page


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