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Crawford Technologies eDeliveryNow® platform provides organizations with components and services needed to transform and personalize the delivery of customer communications via a customer’s preferred digital channel. It eliminates the need to recompose print-ready documents or change up-front workflows to achieve new processing efficiencies and cost savings.

eDeliveryNow efficiently transforms print-ready customer communications and documents originally designed and formatted for physical delivery into responsive and accessible formats. These communications can then be electronically sent via a customer’s preferred communication channel and device.

eDeliveryNow is an open and modular framework that is extensible and adaptable to meet current and future customer communication needs. The platform can be deployed on-premises, in the Cloud or hybrid environments.

Key Features

  • Manage and output communications by customer preference
    • Capture, store and manage customer communication channel preferences
  • Integrate customer communications at the content level
    • Integrate business systems and applications for eDelivery
    • Ingest, index, transform, and archive/migrate customer communications for electronic presentment
    • Convert and bundle disparate customer communications for electronic distribution
  • Centralize the orchestration of customer communications
    • Manage, orchestrate, and monitor the processes and delivery of customer communications.
  • Design and configure customer communcations
    • Configure transforming and reengineering rules
    • Create mobile-ready responsive HTML5 for multichannel distribution
  • Transform and reuse existing print-ready customer communications
    • Convert, compose and enhance print files for multi-channel delivery
    • Replace print-related objects with digital capabilities

Key Benefits

  • Improve Customer loyalty and satisfaction: send customers important communications via their preferred channel - a value-add to increasing customer retention.
  • Improve operational performance: centralizes content transformations in a consistent and automated manner.
  • Increase versatility and usability: manages the transformation of legacy print and file formats into universally and readily accessible formats for easy viewing and consumption.
  • Improve productivity and flexibility: makes content available anytime, anyplace and anywhere for employees, partners and customers.
  • Meet compliance requirements: packages content into digital and print bundles for "freedome of information" laws and "right to access information" requests.
  • Secure customer data and information: redacts personal identifiable information (PII) without altering the original document to ensure data privacy while preserving the legality of the original document.

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