
Buy a TV at TD Bank?

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1 December 2009


  • I could see this having a chance - especially if they tie it to points accumulated through debit card purchases and it is used as a loyalty mechanism. After all, you could argue that AmEx in the US has a brisk retail operation through their rewards website.

    I would think the biggest challenge would be to always have the best pricing on their products. It will be inteesting to see how this plays out.

  • Bank of America offers something similar to their customers, called the Add it Up program ( While the methodology of offering the services is different, it looks like all of them want to ensure that their cards are the first to be used.

  • Michael, Arun - thanks for your comments.

    Michael, the program does not seem to be tied to a loyalty program (other than what is already card-specific). That is a good point however, and would make more sense with this type of offering.

    Arun, I am familiar with that program. I blogged about it a little while ago here - . It looks like a very different take but I do agree with your point about each bank wanting to make sure their cards are at the top of the heap.