The Under-Tow in the Data Lake
The word on the street is big data, data lakes leading to insight, uncovering the hidden opportunities within your massive trunks of data. All true but the majority of the buy side, asset managers, asset owners are still desperately struggling with getting their fundamental data in order.
Over 80% of AMs are $100billion AuM and below and 60% are $50 billion AuM and below, many of these AMs are progressing on solidifying their IBOR (Investment Book of Record) foundations. IBOR and the IBOR Services Matrix (see Inside the Matrix: The Future of IBOR) is still the architectural goal but not yet a necessity for all levels of the asset managers.
Many are not yet up to an IBOR level architecture and still dealing with more basic EDM (Enterprise Data Management) realities. A significant number of AMs are dealing with implementing solid data management and data governance across their portfolios and funds, don’t yet demand millisecond real-time but are operating in a near-time environment, that is operationally sound and cost sustainable.
Now the good news is that as AMs and increasingly institutional asset owners can take advantage of superior vendor solutions and bypass non-differentiating EDM issues. There is certainly little reason, in this day and age, for AMs to attempt to build their own EDM structures. Vendor products can provide core ETL (Extract Transform Load) processes and perform the core standardization, editing and cleansing of the data. Eventually this will all become utilities but for now it is still needs to be dealt with firm by firm.
Data lakes are phenomenal but before the majority of the buy side AMs and asset owners are primarily utilizing their data lakes they are feverishly executing the initial layers of data management and governance to stay market competitive.