
Apple Enters Payments

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10 September 2014


  • Do we hear all the time - "just payment is not enough" - what Apple offer extra?
    Mobile phone payments very different from mobile (remote) payments, this is obvious and Apple just mimic card (proximity) payment, nothing more. When we say mobile payment what we have in mind exactly? Device or process?

  • […] First reason –I’m an Android user. Like it or not, Android and iOS don’t play nicely with each other, and the Apple Watch is a companion device for the iPhone. It’s definitely an intriguing device though, and I enjoyed learning more about how Apple plans to tackle the wearables space. The Apple Pay announcement was also extremely fascinating – my colleague Zil has prepared an excellent and informative review of Apple Pay. […]

  • Zilvinas, thanks for the thoughtful analysis. While one hopes for a definitive "tipping point" you offer the right cautions that this will help but we are not there yet. One hopes that the biometric authentication capability will push things forward is not "overnight" than sooner rather than later. Thanks again.

  • Nerijus, thank you for your comment. It is true that Apple at this stage is not offering anything beyond payments (i.e. no offers, loyalty integration, etc.), but I suspect it's only a matter of time. What Apple does offer of value though is the enhanced transaction security, particularly when compared with mag-stripe transactions in the US.

    Celent's definition of mobile payments is any payment where a mobile device was used to either initiate or, in some cases, approve a payment transaction. So, we include both proximity and remote m-payments as mobile payments. On the other hand, we don't consider m-POS transactions as mobile payments - it is a card payment, and the mobile innovation is on the acceptance side.

  • Russell, thank you, appreciate your comment.