
Adoption of .NET in the Securities Industry: Case Study of Microsoft, CSS and Raymond James

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23 February 2004


Boston, MA, USA February 23, 2004

Adoption of .NET in the Securities Industry: Case Study of Microsoft, CSS, and Raymond James

Founded in 1962 and headquartered in St. Petersburg, Florida, Raymond James Financial is one of the largest regional broker-dealers in the U.S. With close to US$19 billion in assets under management, Raymond James has more than 2,100 locations globally with close to 5,000 retail financial advisors.

This case study examines the decade old relationship between Raymond James and Comprehensive Software Systems (CSS). Raymond James was one of the original members of the broker-dealer consortium that helped found CSS, a real-time, front-to-end trading system vendor whose platform is built on the Windows platform. This study looks at the evolving relationship between Raymond James and CSS, as well as a growing presence of Microsoft (a key industry partner for CSS) in the capital markets area. In particular, the study highlights the most recent implementation of the CSS Retail CRM application (built on the .NET platform) at Raymond James.

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