
Higher Education: Another Lesson in Multichannel Delivery

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16 May 2013


  • Bob,

    I completely agree. “Right-sizing” of branches really seems to be the only sensible way to look at our changing marketplace. Although it is interesting that Georgia Tech has taken a huge step in the “non-traditional” direction with an online master’s degree in computer science, that is another huge step away from an online master’s degree in, say, brain surgery. This can be likened to a comparison between remote deposit capture and getting a mortgage on a mobile phone. They are leagues apart in what both the bank and the customer are willing to trade for the sake of convenience. I do think that we will get there eventually, but the process of realigning bank channels with consumers' changing expectations will take time and imagination.

    [comment edited by moderator]

  • Well said, Alex. It's amusing to watch the branch advocates shun the movement to digital enablement and the digital zealots shun any investment in branch transformation. IMO, both are imperatives precisely for the reason you state - the process will take time ane imagination.