
Artificial Intelligence at SAS

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10 September 2019

Well Kept Secrets for Insurers


SAS has been a significant player in providing analytics and data solutions to the insurance industry for decades, both partnering with core system vendors and serving insurers directly. It has a historically strong reputation for data analysis, but often has difficulty being recognized for the progress it has made in some of today’s hottest financial technology areas.

  • SAS is often not be the first company that comes to mind in the insurance industry when discussing Artificial Intelligence, machine and computer vision, and natural language processing. This briefing note is intended to correct that position.
  • SAS has a set of assets that address the whole data pipeline as discussed in Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Insurance: The Tools Supporting Data Science and the Rise of DataOps, July 2018, and related reports.
  • SAS projects in computer vision and unstructured data analysis outside of the insurance industry will be of interest to Celent clients.