
Top Trends in Corporate Banking 2015: The Business of Managing Uncertainty

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2 April 2015


Every year Celent gathers its analysts across the globe to summarise the top trends in retail and wholesale banking for the major geographies.

Over the course of the year, Celent analysts cover a broader range of topics and trends than they are able to address in their published reports. Some issues get discussed in the Celent Banking blog, and others in private conversations as part of the analyst access available to Celent’s clients.

They are not necessarily the most important issues in any given country globally, or even for any given institution. However, collectively, they do represent a reasonably accurate portrayal of important topics in the developed markets.

Despite significant growth and stability in some markets, 2014 brought a new wave of risk and disruption for corporate bankers and their clients. Economic recovery continued to be uneven, with North America growing faster than expected and the emerging economies and China growing slower than in recent years. Political instability, terrorism, growing protectionism, and the threat of pandemics cast a pall on the ability of business to just get on with global commerce.

“From currency and commodities risk, to the seemingly ongoing challenges of integration between the haves and have-nots in the European Union, to the growth in cybercrime, corporate treasury’s role in managing risk is more central than ever,” says Gareth Lodge, a senior analyst with Celent Banking practice and coauthor of the report. “This creates opportunities for the banks that provide corporate banking services to support their clients with a broad range of risk mitigation tools.”

Compared to other sectors of the economy, technology advances in corporate banking continue to occur at a glacial pace. The imperative to become a “digital bank” that is driving fundamental change in the retail bank is slowly reaching the corporate banking side of the house

“We believe that 2015 is the year when corporate bankers will finally recognize that they can no longer afford to ignore consumer expectations for technology, thereby giving customer experience the prominence it deserves,” says Jim O’Neill, a senior analyst with Celent’s Banking practice and coauthor of the report.

This 30-page report contains 8 figures and 1 table.