
The Challenge for a CIO in Africa (or Middle East)

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9 February 2009


  • Catherine, it is very encouraging to hear that African and Middle Eastern insurers are interested in vendors (I hope you are speaking of insurance technology vendors: software, data, services, outsourcing). They could help themselves by supporting global or at least pan-African standards with regard to policy terms and all related issues. Vendors want to make investments where they can achieve the maximum leverage. If each country and company within a country wants to be unique even in ways that don't contribute value, then it requires much more investment by vendors. Let Africa learn from the 50 United States - don't have a different set of regulations for every possible domain. It reduces operating efficiency and consumes energies that could otherwise be applied to innovation. Mike Gantt, (Mike Gantt’s Insurance Technology Blog)

  • Catherine,
    This has been really interesting piece of information for vendors who intend expanding into markets other than recession hit (so far only target markets) markets of US and Europe. With little interest and pieces of information gathred by me so far, I was of the opinion that there is scope and your comment has validated my understanding. But I am still struggling with drawing any tangible comparisons. It would be appreaciative of you, if you can also write about how these markets are diffrent from US/Europe and how diffrently IT vendors should approach these markets?

  • Rakesh,
    I'll think this over and post some more on the topic in the future.
    Thanks for the feedback.