
State of Play: Capital Markets & Crypto

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12 July 2021

Checking in on Financial Institutions and their crypto offerings across asset servicing, IB/global markets & wealth


Celent clients are increasingly asking for information on institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies and the landscape of service offerings by financial institutions (FIs). In response, we have produced this “State of Play” deck-style report providing a snapshot of FI activity relating to cryptocurrencies and digital assets across three segments:

Asset Servicing
Investment Banking/Global Markets
Wealth/Private Banking

This deck-style report is not intended to present an exhaustive list of institutional crypto services across financial services, but focuses on leading FIs that have made public announcements or taken public action across certain segments of wholesale financial services. No conclusions should be drawn for any FI not included in this report.

The report is based on publicly available information from sources including company officials, corporate announcements or mainstream press reports. Embedded hyperlinks provide access to sources for reference.

FIs have been grouped in a motorsports-based traffic light analogy: