Credit Crising Coming?
19 April 2010
Bart Narter
I was recently in Santiago, Chile and have a very unscientific view of the credit crisis in the US. I see the same thing happening in Chile. Banks are on every street corner in Santiago. The list of banks is impressively long and the branch density is astounding.
- Banco de Chile
- Banco de Desarrollo
- Banco de Credito Inversiones (BCI)
- Banco Internacional
- Banco BICO
- Banco Edwards (Citi)
- Scotia Bank
- Citi
- Banco Falabella (retailer owned bank)
- Banco Paris (retailer owned bank)
- Itau
- Santander (formerly Banco de Santiago)
- Capacity (to pay)
- Character (or Credit history)
- Collateral