
Chartis' New Chief Scientific Officer Position

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11 January 2012


  • That has to be a first! I agree with you on the data,tools and staff skills but I would also add process. Insurers of all shapes and sizes need to build this analysis into everything they do.

  • We had the pleasure of working with Murli Buluswar at Farmers where he was in charge of measuring and improving customer experience. It is not just the creation of the position, but finding the right person AND funding the initiative that matters.

    I like your 3 building blocks (data, tools and people). It does not take long to convince an actuary that post facto analytics drive predictive analytics (the past tends to re-produce itself in the future) but few practitioners understand how embedded analytics drive human behavior. Murli is one of those rare visionaries.

    James Mitchell
    Principal Consultant
    Consulting & Systems Integration
    +1-410-703-9208 (mobile)