What’s in Your Mobile Wallet? Winning the Battle for Mobile at the Retail POS
The last year has seen a proliferation of digital wallet announcements, pilots, and launches, some of them promising to reshape the way consumers shop at brick-and-mortar stores. This report investigates what it takes to bring mobile solutions to the retail point of sale.
In a new report, What’s In Your Mobile Wallet? Winning the Battle for Mobile at the Retail POS, Celent defines the four major domains along which players will compete to bring mobile solutions to retail. Banks have an opportunity to remain important players in this new environment if they make the right choices in the forthcoming months. Otherwise, they run the risk of letting others take over their relationships with consumers and merchants.
“This isn’t just about NFC,” says Zilvinas Bareisis, Senior Analyst with Celent’s Banking Group and author of the report. “If banks play their cards right, NFC-based solutions offer them an opportunity to remain in control of merchant and consumer relationships. The alternative vision of commerce promoted by cloud-based mobile wallet providers, such as PayPal, is a lot less appealing to banks and other incumbents.”
This report describes the requirements mobile wallets should fulfill in order to succeed in the market and how specific features are likely to evolve. The report also offers predictions on how the market is likely to develop and makes recommendations for financial institutions.