
Quantum Computing in the Financial Services

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25 November 2019

Doomsday or Doomsday Myth?

Key research questions

  • Why is quantum computing creating such excitement in the financial services?
  • Where are we in terms of real-life applications for and how might use cases evolve for the future?
  • What’s the catch?


Quantum computing has been the talk of the town recently, due to two very different reasons:

  • A barrage of marketing from major tech players and frequent media reporting
  • It has the potential to compromise everything from digital transactions to emails and digital signatures.

Quantum computing promises to provide a new way of storing information and retrieving information that is different from the analogue and digital approaches of the past. Many proponents of quantum computing believe this will lead to new computers that are much faster and capable of new algorithms that aren’t available today. Some commentators point to the cost of these new quantum computers and question how revolutionary this technology will be in practice.