
The Cognitive Corporate Bank: Heading Toward the Summit

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19 March 2018

The mountaineers and their AI summits

Key research questions

  • What’s the state of AI in corporate banking?
  • Who’s on the sharp end in customer-facing applications?
  • Who’s summiting in the middle and back offices?


If one were to build a cognitive corporate bank, what would it look like? As proofs of concept move to production, the vision is crystallizing.

Over the past three years, the use of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) in corporate banking has been accelerating, and projects are moving into production. This progress enables us to envision what a cognitive corporate bank could look like (that is, one that optimally applies advanced AI as part of a broader digitization strategy involving other automation technologies). A cognitive bank is not one filled with robo-bankers but rather is one that effectively applies AI when it is the optimal solution and enables bankers to focus less on administration and more on adding value. Over the next decade, AI will not only dramatically change the nature of bankers’ work as well as that of their commercial customers but also will reshape competitive differentiators.

To provide concrete examples within corporate banking, we examined the advanced AI offering and implementations of over 20 third party providers to banks and corporations. We selected 17 to profile: Ayasdi, Brighterion, Genpact (acquired Rage Frameworks), HighRadius, IBM, iGTB (Intellect Design), Infosys, Intel (Saffron), Mphasis, Oracle, Pegasystems, Pelican, Previse, Sage, TradeShift, Wipro, and WorkFusion. We include leaders which are delivering advanced AI directly to corporations because it is important for bankers to understand how nonbanks are setting AI precedents and in the process, raising corporations’ expectations.