This session is SOLD OUT. To request a spot on the waitlist, please contact Chuck Smith at csmith@celent.com or Ed Sullivan at esullivan@celent.com.
Great solutions know no boundaries, and this is especially true with insurtech. Unconstrained by geography or imagination, the startup insurance technology dynamic is global at its core.
But navigating the landscape is complicated, requiring determination and insight. What are the differences and similarities between regions? What is being built / where? What has worked and what hasn’t? How do firms build effective partnerships across borders and cultures? How can insurers, startups, incumbent technology providers, and venture firms best work together?
Join Celent and invited guests in an interactive session to explore the keys to success in global insurtech. This preconference session at InsureTech Connect explores the practical steps various stakeholders – insurers, startups, venture firms, and incumbent technology providers – need to take to maximize value.
Hosted by Celent analysts, the preconference session features speakers from the global insurance community to discuss industry trends and tell their stories. A leading venture capitalist, Jonathan Kalman from Eos Venture Partners, will offer insights into what startups and insurers need to know. Ted Stuckey, Managing Director, QBE Ventures at QBE Insurance Group Limited, and Chris Cheatham, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of RiskGenius, discuss their experience in making a global partnership work. A roundup of trends across the globe examines similarities and differences in insurance markets and insurtech in EMEA, LATAM, China/Asia, and North America.
If you are involved in insurance technology, if you are considering expanding globally, or if you are interested in current research on success in insurtech, you will want to join this preconference session.
- How Venture Capitalists Can Help Insurers and Startups
- Insurer/Startup Global Partnerships - What Works, What Doesn't
- Making the most of InsureTech Connect - Tips and Tricks for the First Time Global Attendee
- Trends in Insurance and Insurtech by Region
Click here for the full agenda.
- Chris Cheatham
- Jonathan Kalman
- Ted Stuckey
- John Barr
- Mike Fitzgerald
- Jamie Macgregor
- Juan Mazzini
- Zao Wu
This session is SOLD OUT. If you wish to be placed on the waitlist, please contact Chuck Smith at csmith@celent.com or Ed Sullivan at esullivan@celent.com.