After Mobile Deposit skyrocketed in popularity among consumers, banks are now coming to market with Business Mobile Deposit. Surprisingly most small businesses are still using a consumer mobile RDC solution, leaving tremendous opportunity to transition them to a mobile solution geared specifically to meet the needs of small businesses.
Currently, two-thirds of the nation’s checks are written to businesses. These same businesses are the most frequent visitors to branches and heavy users of counter deposits. Migrating these transactions to digital channels has become a top priority for financial institutions.
Join Bob Meara of Celent and Jason Olson of WAUSAU as they share findings from in-depth research among US small businesses (SMBs) and reveal answers to key questions such as:
• How many small businesses already use commercial desktop RDC?
• Which SMBs would likely adopt Business Mobile Deposit? Why?
• What is the market opportunity?
• What product attributes will resonate with these businesses? How should we position the product?
• How should we price a business mobile solution?
• What would be the likely impact on branch transaction volume?