Celent Insurance Roundtable | Artificial Intelligence in Insurance: Tools and Models Insurers can Choose (Invitation-only)
The increases in computer power, greater investments in algorithms amenable to parallelization and data availability are combining to have two important, but different impacts on applying artificial intelligence: first, the democratization of Machine Learning and the rise of the citizen data scientist and second, supercomputing capability in the hands of the chief data officer and data scientists. To launch Artificial Intelligence initiatives, insurers need to understand what tools and what skills need to be combined. Join us as we present our viewpoint on Artificial Intelligence in insurance and initiate conversations around the topic.
We will share our views on how Artificial Intelligence is being used in insurance today, how tooling is being deployed to support these efforts and some of the resourcing models insurers are using to bring Artificial Intelligence to insurance. We will offer our perspective on how Artificial Intelligence will influence software in the future and broker a discussion on how the technology function will need to adapt. In addition we will discuss the skill sets, teams and tools required for adaptive software in the future and the evolving role of IT and the emerging data functions to support this new future.
- 1.30 pm – 2:00 pm: Registration & Coffee
- 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm: The Celent perspective on Artificial Intelligence in insurance
- 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Discussion--sharing opinions
- 5:00 pm – 5.30 pm: Adjourn - Cocktails and Networking
Attendees will exclusively be insurance company CIOs, Chief Data Officers, Chief Digital Officers, Chief / Senior IT Architects or similar insurance company executives, (no vendors or media), in a roundtable format with 1 or 2 attendees from each insurer in order to promote interactive debate, as well as Celent Analysts leading the debate and sharing Celent insight and perspectives on the topics.
Registration in advance is required as space is limited. To attend or if you have questions about the event please contact Chris Williams via cwilliams@celent.com