
Data Platforms/Data Aggregators

VendorMatch Directory

use our vendor directory to identify vendors who provide data platforms. A data platform provides direct or indirect access via APIs to a broad set of traditional and newer data sources. It may include analytic tools or scoring methodologies for many of its data offerings increasingly utilizing AI, machine learning, or machine vision. Compare and contrast platforms using our comparison tools to get to a short list.
  • Smarter Data, Connected Expand your insight with the Open:FactSet Marketplace, the destination for best-in-class data and solutions that give in…
  • Data has become an essential asset for investment operations. However, the manual process by which it’s discovered and purchased is hard, slow a…
  • MongoDB Atlas is an integrated suite of data services centered around a cloud database designed to accelerate and simplify how you build with da…
  • Glimpse is free for participating firms on a "give to get" basis and all members may join a profit sharing agreement and be paid for the data th…
  • Fully hosted service for normalising, streaming and capturing live fixed income data - Ediphy Virtual Data Manager (VDM), is highly capable of c…
  • Ediphy Analytics is a division of the Ediphy Group. It shares its advanced technology with Ediphy Markets, a regulated execution service for cap…
  • Streamline data operations with a self-service data provisioning platform. Accelario Continuous DataOps Platform is a one-stop shop for handling…
  • Up to 90% reduction in manual gathering of data to prefill an insurance quote Save Time and Increase Conversions at the Same Time When the consu…
  • Document intake is core to the insurance business. Myriad forms, letters, faxes, emails and other correspondence need to be brought into the car…
  • Increasing regulatory demands, market conduct requirements and understanding the impact of market moving events as they unfold, continue to driv…
  • The new CLS hourly and daily FX spot pricing data offers foreign exchange market participants aggregated prices for an informed view of FX marke…
  • Reduce the guesswork from your directional trading strategy and FX forecast rate analysis. Leverage the largest single source of executed FX tra…
  • When entering the foreign exchange market, it’s best to come prepared. Traders can face allocation and execution challenges when trading in less…
  • Financial crime technology have not been able to keep pace with increasing complexity, scale and velocity of new risks. Legacy technology-based…
  • FacctShield - A payment screening capability built for ISO 20022 that is fast, agile and ready for real-time. FacctShield supports multiple paym…
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