
Anti-Money Laundering Suites

VendorMatch Directory

Find Anti-Money Laundering systems and solutions listed on our vendor directory. Use our research platform for AML software evaluation with analysis and comparison of key functionality required by banks and other financial services institutions to support KYC, PEP & FATCA compliance.
  • Tietoevry Banking AML/KYC Suite offers comprehensive solutions to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. With a market-leading portfol…
  • Topaz Trace provides the Compliance area with the ability to cover all the controls required over its clients and people who operate in the inst…
  • Fenergo Transaction Monitoring is designed to help financial institutions accurately and efficiently detect a wide range of suspicious transacti…
  • Our proprietary decision technology TOM™ offers a unique solution to the challenge around skills shortages and access to human expertise. The TO…
  • Transform Financial Crime Detection with Machine Learning Money laundering and illegal activity financing strategies are dynamic, fast moving ch…
  • As the leading AI product for detecting crime financing and cyber-crime, SensaAML™ leverages today’s most advanced AI and ML technologies to dis…
  • A uniquely flexible range of intelligent, versatile solutions for banks, large and small, to combat financial crime.
  • The TCS BaNCS Global Banking Platform for Community and Regional banks in the U.S. rests on a strong digital core and is designed to help financ…
  • Graphyte helps make AML more efficient with automated alerts triage. Every AML alert is risk-rated and categorized based on comprehensive review…
  • The Fourthline Formula offers the most extensive set of KYC analyses in the industry. Select the level of verification that fits your business.F…
  • Patriot Manager™ provides an intuitive and easy to use suite of solutions that provides insight into your operations, linking disparate data sou…
  • Comarch Anti-Money Laundering is an AI-powered transaction monitoring solution dedicated to financial institutions obligated to investigate and…
  • Designed to make AML compliance faster and easier, Alessa is a powerful modular platform that works for financial institutions, casinos, fintech…
  • As the regulatory environment continues to evolve, your client’s data can rapidly become inaccurate, out of date or no longer meet current oblig…
  • Moody’s has extensive experience in delivering successful solutions for compliance teams across a wide variety of industries including multinati…
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AML business requirements are supported as follows:

  • Customer identity management checks clients against various watch lists as part of Know your customer (KYC) requirements.
  • Transaction monitoring systems, focus identifying and alerting managers to suspicious transactions.
  • Investigations management and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) or Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs).
  • Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR) systems, which deal with large cash transaction reporting
  • GRC compliance CRM software to help firms comply holistically with regulation including with AML regs.

Key functional areas covered in the guid:

  • Access CIP and other demographic information
  • Alert ranking
  • Alerts
  • Auto add false positives to white list
  • Automated business rules
  • Behaviour profiling
  • Constrain scenarios by any data attribute
  • Customer risk scoring
  • Detects trend suggesting suspicious behaviour
  • Entity link analysis
  • Factor histories
  • False Positive Reduction
  • Filter tolerance controls to reduce false positives
  • Flexible suppression
  • Investigators work queue
  • Manual override
  • Multiple scenarios / database scan
  • Past trends analysis
  • Peer group analysis
  • Penalties management
  • Predictive modes
  • Rapid access to customer, account and transaction data
  • Recovery and resolution management
  • Review triggering transactions
  • Scenarios and risk factors applied to transactions to detect suspicious activity
  • Schema for preparing data analysis
  • Scores suspicious clients
  • Supports multiple data types
  • Watch list screening
  • Watchlist Data
  • AML Optimization
  • Case management
  • Data management
  • Investigation and alert management
  • Suspicious activity monitoring
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