
HES LoanBox

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HES LoanBox is a powerful software solution designed to streamline loan origination, management, and debt collection. It revolutionizes lending operations with its three-tier approach: seamless digital customer onboarding, an intuitive borrower portal for self-service, and a robust back-office system for efficient employee management. Developed by HES FinTech, a company with a decade of experience and insights from 160 projects in 31 countries, LoanBox is the ultimate tool for automating digital lending, enhancing efficiency, and improving the borrower experience.

Key Features

  • White-label solution
  • 3 months time to market
  • Meets requirements of banks, alternative lenders, and in-house financing businesses
  • Covers loan origination and loan management in full
  • Introduces smart scoring
  • Includes in-built integrations (SMS, email, KYC, credit bureaus, payment providers).