
DXC PerformancePlus

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DXC PerformancePlus is a comprehensive, Agent and Agency support solution designed to provide a variety of services under a common architecture and database.

It is a flexible system, structured to integrate with and accept transactions from any number of policy administration systems. With its tables driven calculations and business rules, the system is fully capable of computing and distributing commissions through customer defined distribution channels.

The major elements of PerformancePlus include:

• Agent credentials, hierarchy, demographic and distribution channel administration

• Primary compensation calculations, administration and distribution processing

• Business rule configuration

• Secondary or bonus compensation calculations

Key Features

Full service agent administration: on-boarding, agent credentials, just-in-time appointment validation, hierarchy management, compensation calculations, debt management, pay processes and disbursements

Extensive distribution channel management: career agents, personal producing general agents (PPGAs), independent marketing organizations (IMOs), financial institutions, Manageing general agents (MGAs), broker-dealers, bank and RIA

Component-based business services that support business rules, allowable values, API integreation, high-volume primary compensation table driven and bonus/secondary formula driven compensation calculations and payments.

Access to consolidated agent compensation data for fact-based decision making, giving organizations the ability to develop true "what-if" scenarios.

Centralized, preloaded product, business and compensation rule configuration solution with cloning, copying/paste and import/export capaiblites that simplify product development and improves a clients speed to market.

Key Benefits

Consolidate multiple legacy IDs into a single agent ID without time comsuming analysis providing a centralized view of agent productivity.

Integration though RESTful APIs and industry standard ACORD web services for key integration with industry service providers for producer onboarding, self-service, continuing education, background checks, earnings and account balances.

Fully integrated with DXC Assure Life, providing a composable insurance solution giving insurance access to DXC's extensive insuretech and partner ecosystem and insurance business services and solutions.

A scalable, corporate compensation calculation solution that processes large blocks of insurance and annuity policies including pre-calculated compensation transactions from existing legacy systems.

Efficient offline processing of millions of commissionable transactions for throughput volumes using concurrent processing.