
ClaimsX Ultra

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In a digital world where fraudsters continuously adapt, ClaimsX Ultra is the essential tool for comprehensive fraud detection from FNOL to settlement, offering evidence-based alerts, enriched customer data from First Notice of Loss (FNOL) to settlement and vendor risk analysis. ClaimsX Ultra detects fraud earlier, enhances customer experience, and streamlines operations, making your goals to “Do more with less” actually achievable.

Key Features

Evidence-Based Alerts for All Claim Types: From auto collision and workers comp to general liability and more, ClaimsX Ultra streamlines processing, reduces delays, and collects evidence to prevent fraud before online information is scrubbed. Historically available for bodily injury claims, Ultra expands these capabilities to include APD, workers comp, GL claims and more.

Validated First Notice of Loss (FNOL) and Customer Insights: Provides a smoother customer experience, lowers operating costs tied to manual research, and deters minor fraud in the process.

Vendor Risk Analysis: Reduces provider fraud incidents by directing claimants to trusted and well-managed vendors known for customer success, therefore reducing claim costs and research time improving the overall experience.

Key Benefits

Leverage the power of evidence-based monitoring to enhance your claims strategy.

Enhanced Fraud Identification: When fraud escapes your notice until it’s too late, it costs you an average of $2,500 for every claim missed. Yet resource constraint is the #1 reason why claims teams will miss vendor fraud— there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to manually verify and monitor every open injury claim in your book. ClaimsX Ultra helps carriers stay one step ahead of the latest fraudster schemes, raising alerts to adjusters as early as FNOL to reduce operational costs and prevent payouts for fraudulent claims.

The Complete Picture for All Claim Types: Context is the key to efficient claims handling, but validating crucial factors in every claim takes at least 15 minutes per claim. This amounts to hundreds of hours of adjuster hours spent in time-consuming research, which are often incomplete and inconsistent when performed manually. ClaimsX Ultra goes beyond the ordinary loss facts, it dives deep into the nature of the claim, unravels the intricate web of vendors and service providers, and reveals valuable connections. No matter the claim type, our platform is your trusted companion for superior automation and efficiency; from auto collision and workers comp to general liability and more, ClaimsX Ultra offers a holistic view of every claim, revealing valuable connections and empowering your team to make swift, informed decisions with confidence.

Smarter Vendor Management: You have a list of trusted vendors, but 80% of the time customers will find their own providers. When resources are already stretched thin, your team doesn’t have the time to manually ensure every provider is above board. ClaimsX Ultra integrates the power of Carpe Data’s Minerva business data store of more than 45M businesses into your claims processing flow, reducing incidents of provider fraud and creating a better customer experience by guiding claimants to vendors with proven customer success, lowering claims cost through improvements to trusted vendor programs as well as reducing time spent researching vendors.

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