Sapiens EnrollmentPro for Life & Annuities (formerly called Benefit Enrollment) provides full benefit enrollment capabilities. It can handle everything from an initial benefit offering, through renewals and ongoing, open enrollments.
Employees and administrators can complete the benefit selection process in minutes. This is followed by a fast confirmation of benefits, including all back-end reporting and data integration required for enrollment completion.
The solution can handle all types of benefit selection scenarios, from agent assisted, through self-enrollment. The products, rates, rules and application questions are in the same system, and accessed in different ways, via different channels, by different users.
The system is scalable and can handle anything from the smallest employee group, to tens of thousands of employees. EnrollmentPro is integrated with Sapiens UnderwritingPro for Life & Annuities, providing a complete, automated solution that fully handles enrollment.
EnrollmentPro can plug into an exchange, or can be used as a standalone platform for a single employer’s own benefits. It can also be broker-assisted and offer self-service. Pre-integration with the Sapiens DigitalSuite for Life & Annuities ensures quick business digital transformation and fast time-to-value for digital strategies. End-to-end or modular deployment offers the flexibility to support every step of the policy lifecycle, via deployment as a complete suite, or as individual digital components.
Key Features
Sapiens EnrollmentPro offers employee benefits providers consistency, automation, consumer and employee self-service, and a 360-degree view. In addition to being able to complete the benefit selection process in minutes, worksite benefits providers will also enjoy greater consistency. Rates and values are standard, because they are derived from the carrier system, as opposed to being entered manually into the broker system. This automation provides consistency and a faster set-up time.
The solution can integrate with your policy administration system to retrieve information on each enrollment and verify the status of existing benefits, to offer a 360-degree view of the customer’s coverage. For instance, employees receiving disability income may not be eligible to receive additional disability benefits. Enrollers can see what’s already on the books and provide the amount of coverage they are legally allowed to add for that benefit.
Other features include:
• Consumer/employee self-service – employees can selfenroll through their human resources (HR) system. They are guided by an intuitive user interface through the options. This fits in well with today’s digital age of immediate and automated services.
• Trusted accessibility – the solution is compatible with exchanges. The products, rates, rules and application questions are in the same system being accessed in different ways, via different channels, by disparate users. The carrier who is providing these benefits knows that the right rules are applied, so it doesn’t have to recreate the environment every time it uses a different distribution channel to sell benefits.
• Scalability – the system can handle anything from the smallest employee group, to tens of thousands of employees.
Innovative Features
The Sapiens EnrollmentPro solution possesses a dynamic enrollment set-up that will enable you to define who the enrollment is for and which products are available for that enrollment. For enrollments involving multiple people across an organization, the system will determine which locations are involved.
Administrators can also set-up various templates for each benefit and select pre-set options. This leads to faster time to launch of new enrollments products and a streamlining of the election process.
Currently, many insurance companies spend time determining which benefits different classes of employees (senior level management, part-time employees, etc.) are entitled to and then manually input those different packages into their enrollment systems. Sapiens EnrollmentPro solution allows for carrier-defined packages, as well as custom packages for individual employers, which speeds the process.
Sapiens EnrollmentPro solution offers the ability to import census files. Demographic information, such as an employee number and date of birth, can be imported so that employees don’t have to recreate the information every time and better accuracy is maintained. Large businesses with many branches in different geographical areas can quickly identify employees via the branch location and the employee’s unique ID. With all the information pre-loaded, providers can focus on explaining the value of the benefits.
Key Benefits
- A single, unified system offers an intuitive user experience and enables insurers to simplify work processes for increased efficiency
- Simple roll-outs require no coding for new, innovative product offerings and hybrid designs combining life, annuity and medical products, increasing customer engagement
- An open, accessible and trusted solution is compatible with exchanges. The carrier providing the benefits can be confident that the right rules are applied, eliminating the need for them to recreate the environment every time they use a different distribution channel to sell benefits