
FundGuard Accounting

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FundGuard is a true-SaaS modern global investment accounting platform in real-time with full multi-book record capabilities inside a framework of a single instance of all trade activities and portfolio entities.

Our modern technology platform empowers asset managers and fund administrators to succeed in an evolving industry.FundGuard solutions are built from the cloud, with microservices and API-first architecture; leveraging big data technologies with unlimited scalability, and AI for unstructured anomaly detection, insight generation, as well as exception investigation.

Importantly, FundGuard presents an all-in-one solution user experience; an accounting solution that comes with inbuilt and comprehensive recon, exception management, report center and dashboard capabilities.Its presentation layer emphasizes user collaboration through dashboards and inboxes; as well as simple and abundant access to user-oriented granular data, through query and reporting tools for easy slice & dice analysis.

Key Features

Why FundGuard?

To help wholly transform operations efficiencies, materially reduce technology overhead, and provide a digital customer experience to. This is how:

Functional efficiency

-Full multi-book (ABOR/IBOR etc.)

-Data granularity for Asset and P&L slice and dice analysis

-Flexible hierarchical accounting

-All-in-one: Accounting, Recon, Report center, Workflow, Exception management, Dashboards, data science

Technology efficiency

-True cloud and SaaS: no more hardware, third party licenses, upgrades, maintenance, testing

-Real-time, unlimited scalability, API-first

-Automated robust test center for continuous delivery

-Faster delivery for new business and regulatory requirements

Workflow automation

-Integrated workflow

-Rich and flexible exception rules library enriched by AI-based insights, anomaly detection and exception resolution

-Embedded collaboration tool for staff, customers or third parties

-Modern collaboration, navigation, and investigation

Customer experience

-Real-time transparency through dashboards, data access and online-collaboration

-Endless screen drilldowns and links

-User-ready readable data for any date

-Enhanced reporting and data delivery

-Consistent delivery across books