Easy to use, powerful and accurate, Progress Corticon tames the complex rules that manage your business without user, performance, platform or language limitations. Strengthen your apps, keep pace with change and support the organization through automated decision management.
Key Features
Progress Corticon leverages a simple, yet powerful Excel-like interface to allow users to build, test and deploy rules into applications across the enterprise.
By building rules in a table rather than in application code, users can be sure that there is not loss in translation to code. In addition, rules can be created once and then pushed out to many different applications.
Corticon's codeless interface empowers rules to be created by business users as well as technical users.
Corticon offers a simple one-click deployment.
Key Benefits
Easy to use
Empower the business while liberating IT for more pressing tasks. An intuitive interface and spreadsheet-style modeling tools let business staff manage sophisticated rules without having to code.
Get millisecond response times and scale across millions of transactions per day. The Design-Time-Inferencing™ (DeTI) algorithm built into Corticon scales the organization linearly as the number of rules increases.
The Corticon rule integrity feature and onboard diagnostics mean “no fear” automation. Test new rules to ensure accurate results and pinpoint conflicts before they become headaches.