Codiant offers patient-centered comprehensive package of healthcare (mhealth) and clinical continuum solutions for healthcare
organizations, clinicians, and doctors to facilitate remote visits with patients, online appointment booking, appointment scheduling,
health monitoring, real-time access to health data and many more. Our robust and customized healthcare solutions are developed
by industry experts with deep healthcare experience who understands the significance of information security and strictly follow the
stringent methods of HIPAA compliant solutions.
Key Features
Telemedicine(Mhealth) Applications
Development of mobile telehealth (mHealth) applications for iOS and Android.
Cloud-Based Video Conferencing Solution
Cloud-based medical video conferencing software solutions with secure file transfer through data channeling and end-to-end encryption components.
Exclusive Video Conferencing Platforms
Medical video conferencing platforms with screen sharing, Point-to-Point P2P communication constructs, and custom development / integration of audio and video streaming software (ProRTC, WebRTC)
Group Conferencing Telemedicine Solution
Secure data sharing P2P or group conferencing telemedicine software with record/ stream abilities, screen share, and file transfer mechanics.