Celent evaluates Comarch Wealth Management Platform consisting of Comarch Investment Advisor, Comarch Asset Management, Comarch Performance, Attribution & Risk and Comarch Client Reporting & Communication systems. Comarch Wealth Management is offered as one front-to-back business solution or on a modular basis. The platform provides CRM, analytics and portfolio management functionalities as well as an Investment Advisor front office suite that covers a full advisory process. The platform interface is user friendly and of strong user experience.
- Comarch offer for investment and wealth management business has been successfully implemented for over 15 years. We cooperate both with large banks and small asset managers offering a flexible approach to implementation and a convenient cost model, e.g. SaaS or full process outsourcing. What makes our offer unique is, most of all, our ability to cover all key business areas of wealth management with the tools that step ahead of the industry as far as user experience or mobile technology are concerned, underlines Grzegorz Prosowicz, Business Development Manager in Comarch.Comarch solutions has been mentioned in numerous Celent reports. Last year Comarch Client Reporting solution was described in the Client Reporting Tools Update 2012: An Overview of the European Market report. Comarch Insurance Claims system was presented in Claims Systems Vendors: European General Insurance 2012.
Celent is a research company specializing in business and technological advisory for financial institutions.
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