Total Equity Module for Derivatives Reconciliation Announced by Watson Wheatley
Watson Wheatley Financial Systems (WWFS) have released a Total Equity Module for Derivatives Reconciliation as part of their i-Recs platform. The module allows precise matching of any margin traded instrument, its unique methodology solving the book cost differences that occur on derivative instruments.
This Total Equity approach leverages Watson Wheatley’s deep understanding of buy-side firms and derivatives trading with the underlying accounting functionality within the i-Recs system. Using reverse portfolio accounting i-Recs has the ability to fully integrate the reconciliation of trades, positions, cash, P&L and cash balances.
“Our Total Equity solution is unique and again sets i-Recs apart from our competitors” commented Director Duncan Wheatley. “This solution is a ‘must-have’ for firms who are or plan to trade even moderate volumes of derivatives and want to tie their cash out to the penny. We regularly talk to funds who have control of their trade and position reconciliation but cannot track the cash flows on margin accounts. Total Equity reconciliation solves this at an affordable level with a light implementation and no up-front license costs”.