Backstop Continues to Add More Asset Allocators to Client Base
Backstop Solutions Group – a leading provider of cloud-based solutions purpose-built to help the institutional investment industry save time, increase productivity and make better investment decisions – announces that the Employees Retirement System (ERS) of Texas selected Backstop as its hedge fund portfolio performance and analytics reporting solution, as well as its contact relationship management solution.
ERS was established by the State of Texas to provide retirement and other benefit programs for state employees, retirees and their dependents, and currently manages more than $25 billion in assets. Prior to Backstop, ERS was utilizing a patchwork of systems – including Excel, Outlook and shared drives – to manage their research processes. Now, ERS is consolidating their qualitative and quantitative information by centralizing all of this data within Backstop to gain a full view of their research and statistical analyses.
“Over the past couple years, Backstop has been working to expand its functionality for pensions,” said Geoff Surkamer, global head of sales. “Signing another respected institutional investor like ERS is proof that we’re continuing to add value to this subset of the industry.”
In addition, Backstop’s research management solution will allow ERS to streamline workflows and add efficiencies to processes. Backstop offers robust reporting capabilities for in-depth comparative analysis, tear sheets and dashboards, quick searching within documents, notes, meetings, call and emails, and seamless Outlook and Excel integration.