Prima is the first pension fund in Latin America to use the global transactions solution
Lima, Peru, April 15, 2015 - Prima AFP, one of the largest pension funds in Peru, today announced it will manage its affiliates’ portfolios, which have assets valued at $12.5 bn USD, with the Bloomberg Asset & Investment Management platform (AIM). The company will be the first pension fund in Latin America to adopt this technology, which is used by the leading financial firms in the global sector.
Prima AFP will manage pension funds of their members, amounting to 38.213 million soles, under the platform of Bloomberg Asset & Investment Manager (AIM). The company is the first pension fund manager in Latin America to adopt this technology used by leading financial firms in the global sector. "The portfolio management tools Bloomberg are at the forefront in the global market, and hope that give Prima AFP that extra edge in risk management and performance measurement of each fund by instrument, type of asset and subclass. The adoption of these highly sophisticated tools is only one of the initiatives we are taking to better serve our customers, "said José Roca, Investment Manager of Prima AFP. That is why, Prima AFP via Bloomberg AIM will allow operators, administrators official portfolios of compliance and risk managers, asset management pre-trade, post-execution and end of day compliance management orders, execution and electronic operation, equality in the post-trading, settlement, reconciliation and data aggregation and reporting. "We commend Prima AFP, for his leadership and use of the latest technologies to hit alphas, reduce portfolio costs and stay updated with the latest requirements and compliance risks. We believe Prima AFP Bloomberg AIM find that increase efficiency, automation and real-time monitoring, "said Dan Matthies, Bloomberg Global Director of AIM. Significantly, Prima AFP is the first pension fund manager in Peru to have three leading electronic systems that integrate the Bloomberg Professional service (LP): The Operating System Electronics Bloomberg Bond (FIT), Foreign Exchange Trading (FXET) and Execution Management and Equity (EMSX).